Why Are We In Pain?

As I watch my wife go through her bouts of pain, I ask myself "What is the point of it all?" Why does pain take up such a large part of our lives? What good is it?

My brief thoughts on the subject concluded yesterday as I heard a message on keeping a Sabbath day, given by my dad to our men's group at our fellowship.

One of the things that struck me most was that for a Jew, both contemporary and ancient alike, the Sabbath day was something for which was to be prepared. The day before the Sabbath was an extra hard work day as there was almost twice as much to do. Preparing for a day of rest is work. It's strenuous, it's taxing, and God knows it is good for us.

One day this life will be over, and then: Glory awaits us. That is the eternal Sabbath rest, one that will never end. But this is the day before the Sabbath. A day to prepare ourselves, although not necessarily physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. This is the day that we need to put a little more effort into, in order to relax tomorrow.

The wonderful thing about our Father in heaven is that he knows exactly what we need to prepare, and I guess that means that sometimes we are asked to go through pain.

But, remember, the pain will end one day. The Sabbath will come. One day.

Praise the Lord!
